Nov 26, 2009

"Russian in need of" counterintelligence information »: KM.RU News

"Russian in need of" counterintelligence information »: KM.RU News   (Google translated)

Maksim Kalashnikov
Writer and publicist

Using The Decline Of The West
The events around South Ossetia and the situation in Ukraine suggest that Moscow should seriously take up the fight on the information front. Worthless, when the Russia Today television channel broadcasts only on the major foreign languages, whereas it must be broadcast in Russian, and Ukrainian. It is bad when one resource pro-Russian Ukraine has dozens Russophobian and pro. Today, Moscow has a real opportunity to change the situation.
This is the essence of the proposals made by Professor of the Diplomatic Academy of Russia Igor Panarin. In his view, information confrontation now - the most important factor in global politics.
Igor Panarin famous for his statements about the need for a speedy transfer of foreign trade of Russia in rubles and the real possibility of the collapse of the United States during the current systemic crisis. Speaking at a conference on "Foreign Policy of the world's centers of power in the XXI century: new realities, old methods" (28 November, Moscow State Institute of International Relations), Professor developed his ideas further.
According to him, Russia should fulfill its geopolitical project: using the objective and the apparent weakening of the West split in the American establishment, to reintegrate the former Soviet space as well as "post-zone", starting an active policy in Eastern Europe. First of all - on the basis of a sphere of circulation of the ruble (as a Eurasian currency) and transport projects.
Alas, while (since 1992) financial and economic bloc of the government of Russia is in the hands of the monetarist and opponents of the integration project. They are so confident in their "unsinkable" that contradict repeated statements by the president and then prime minister Vladimir Putin on the transfer of foreign trade in rubles. For example, Finance Minister Kudrin responded in that spirit that the transfer will occur no sooner than ten years. He's in the spring of 2008 drew Russia as an island of stability among the "ocean crisis. But the real events have shown the degree of competence Kudrin: Russia's stock market since then "dipped", and capitalization Russian assets decreased fourfold.
According to Panarin, Finance Minister Kudrin, as well as Ignatiev and Ulyukayev, are managed at the central bank, de facto lead Russia to default (on the obligations of large corporations). Placing international reserves of Russia in the western financial system, they fueled the dying body. Because of the five largest banks Wall Street Today collapsed three, and the "annihilation" of almost $ 50 billion in Russian reserves because that they were invested in mortgage bonds of corporations, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, has already admitted even ultra guide CBR.
So without changing the financial unit of a major independent policy of Moscow, convinced Igor Panarin, and can be no question. Expulsion of the RF Government ardent monetarist becomes the first condition for successful implementation of Russian geopolitical project.
The second condition - that the information sphere, the creation of structures of active control information globally.
First of all, says the professor, need to organize the Public Diplomacy Council of Russia, headed by the Prime Minister, using the scheme of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee. Then you need to establish a state foreign holding company, which would include the Voice of Russia ", VGTRK (National Broadcasting Corporation) and channel« Russia Today ». And it should be done immediately.
Why? Because, for example, that in April 2009 should be addressed critical issues of the new device of the global financial "architecture". Russian, according to I. Panarin, must vigorously defend its position on this issue and to gain a strong leadership position in the coming "new financial order". At the same time, Moscow can squarely place the issue of what the West once assigned a so-called "royal gold" (the Romanov dynasty hold significant assets in Western banks), as well as the means by which the tsarist government moves in charge of military orders of the First World War U.S. and Britain, but did not live to see the execution of contracts. In today money is - the amount of hundreds of billions of current dollars (Panarin calls equivalent to 1.8 tons of gold).
Professor proposes to create even something like an information counter, capable of monitoring the progress of the fight in the "war of ideas" and indicate the direction of Russian information attacks. Moreover, starting from scratch will not have to. Our intelligence services already have experience of such work. For example, during the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999 found that 64% of pro-NATO publications in Russia accounts for only a few publications in Russia and a small group of journalists.
Panarin said that today should be reversed and the spread of wild Russophobia in Ukraine, where almost a hundred anti-Russian publications have an opposite. In connection with this issue of a special broadcast on Ukraine is becoming a very important matter. Otherwise we will lose the youth in the neighboring republic.
Agree with Professor that the need for information and the foreign holding is really overdue. Add to Panarin outlined the contours of this structure spectrum of Internet resources and a powerful infrastructure of broadcasting. Here we must engage in the Soviet Union built a medium-broadcasting center in Transdniestria, which covers its broadcast throughout Western Europe, but at the same time (which is extremely important now) - and the European part of the former Soviet Union. This information can lead the struggle and for Eastern Europe and the Ukraine. We need to use the radicalization of the middle class in Europe and the U.S. - because it is this class of ultra-liberal economic policies destroyed - globalization American. For example, to look at America, where a victory in the presidential race went to black, who was walking with a set of social-democratic slogans. That is why Moscow today must carry broadcast in the United States via the Internet and broadcast as an active - and to the Russian profits - using the currents in American society.
By the way, Igor Panarin convinced that it is active infopolitika Russian help remove resistance to the West towards a new integration project. Will be possible to sort a deal: Moscow does not support the information the most radical and separatist forces in the U.S. - and they, in turn, do not interfere with our policy of collecting the new land. And here is not to be ashamed of: in their time pursuing their own interests, the U.S. all the power of information "weapons" to support the most notorious separatist forces on our territory.
So that here we have the right to conduct his own game. A proposal Igor Panarin deserve incarnation at the state level.